Temporary residence permit (karta pobytu)
in Warsaw
We will help you with the registration and documents submission for obtaining a Polish temporary residence permit (karta pobytu czasowego) in Warsaw.

We'll help you get a card based on:
🛠 Work
🎓 Study
💼 Business
Why choose us
Online support
Have questions about your case?
You can always ask in online chat with the consultant in working hours
(mon. - fri. 10:00 - 17:00)
Flexible payments
Can't pay right away?
No problem! We offer payment plans for 2 and 3 installment. Choose the best option that suits you!
We have more than 3 years of experience with legalization. We helped obtain more than 850 positive decisions for foreigners in Poland.
  1. Consultation;
  2. Checking of the documents by our experts;
  3. Filling out the submission form;
  4. Creating a checklist of implicit and missing documents;
  5. Recommendations for obtaining missing documents;
Full support
  1. Checking the documents
  2. Creating a checklist of implicit and missing documents
  3. Consultation on obtaining missing documents
  4. Filling out the submission form
  5. Analysis and compilation of documents
  6. Contacting the employer (if necessary) to obtain documents
  7. Correspondence with the Urząd, ZUS and tax office
  8. Chat with an online-consultant
  9. Appeal in case of negative decision
  10. Personal accompaniment to Urząd + prepare a power of attorney
350 zł
from 2100 zł
01. Online consultation
Chat with a consultant, tell us the details of your case. Arrange a personal visit to our office.
02. Personal visit
Get an advanced consultation: bring all documents and we will check them. You will learn how the process of obtaining a residence card goes, approximate time for your case to be considered. Sign a cooperation agreement.
03. Managing your Case
We take your case to a positive resolution: communication with the urząd inspector, write requests for acceleration, etc.
04. get your karta pobytu
Receive a positive decision and pick up your karta pobytu (TRC)
get your karta pobytu Easy with us
Leave all the difficulties of the Polish bureaucracy to us and enjoy your life.
frequently asked questions
Żurawia 47/49 office 414, floor 4, Warsaw 00-680
Working hours
Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 17:00*
*Pre-registration required
Contact us
+48 22 602 27 38
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